Author : Rahul
Last Modified : 12-Sep-2021
Complexity : Beginner

IEnumerable and IEnumerator Interface in C#


There are two interface named IEnumerable and IEnumerator which are used to implement iteration in .Net. Iteration means you can use foreach loop to access all the elements of the collection one by one. Any class who implement these interfaces can be iterated. Since List, Dictionary etc implements IEnumerable interface so that the data within these can be iterated.

First we try to find the problem without these interfaces after that we analyse these two interfaces and at last we implement these two interfaces on custom class so that we can iterate over the collection of elements.


Problem without these Interfaces

Suppose we have one Customer class which contains country list from where orders has been placed by the customer. To print all these countries, we need to write below code.


using System;

namespace IEnumerableAndIEnumerator
   class Customer
       public string[] OrderCountryList = new string[10];
       int index = 0;
       public void AddCountry(string country)
           OrderCountryList[index++] = country;
       public void RemoveCountry(int index)
           OrderCountryList[index] = "";
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           Customer customerOrderCountry = new Customer();
           foreach (string country in customerOrderCountry.OrderCountryList)



At initially this code look sufficient but there is one problem with the code. It display the internal structure of the class. It shows that Customer class contains one property named OrderCountryList which hold the country list. This is the violation of information hiding principle. If we make OrderCountryList as private then we will unable to access this property from outside.

To solve this problem we will use IEnumerable and IEnumerator Interface. These two interfaces provide a way to iterate over the object without the need of access modifier.

First we will analyse these two interfaces and after that we will implement these two interfaces on Customer class.


IEnumerable Interface

IEnumerable Interface is used to implement iteration. It contains one method named GetEnumerator. This method return the data of type IEnumerator Interface. It allow read only access to a collection.


This method is used to return the data of type IEnumerator. It allow read only access to a collection.


public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
   throw new NotImplementedException();


public class Customer : IEnumerable  
   public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()  
       throw new NotImplementedException();  


IEnumerator Interface

IEnumerator Interface is used to get current element from the collection. It contains two methods named MoveNext and Reset and one property named Current. This property is used to get current element from the collection.


This method is used to Set the enumerator to the next element of the collection. If the enumerator successfully set the next element of the collection it returns true and if the enumerator reached the end of the collection it returns false.

public bool MoveNext()  
   throw new NotImplementedException();  


public class Customer : IEnumerator  
   public bool MoveNext()  
       throw new NotImplementedException();  



This method is used to set the enumerator to the first element of the collection.


public void Reset()  
   throw new NotImplementedException();  


public class Customer : IEnumerator  
   public void Reset()  
       throw new NotImplementedException();  



This property is used to return the current element of the collection.


public object Current  
   get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }  


public class Customer : IEnumerator  
   public object Current  
       get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }  


Implement IEnumerable and IEnumerator Interface

First we will implement IEnumerable Interface in our code. The IEnumerable Interface has one method named GetEnumerator(). The GetEnumerator method returns the object of child class which implements the IEnumerator interface. The IEnumerator has two methods, MoveNext() and Reset().


using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace IEnumerableAndIEnumerator
   class Customer : IEnumerable
       private string[] OrderCountryList = new string[10];
       int index = 0;
       public void AddCountry(string country)
           OrderCountryList[index++] = country;
       public void RemoveCountry(int index)
           OrderCountryList[index] = "";
       public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
           return new CustomerEnumerator();
       class CustomerEnumerator : IEnumerator
           public object Current => throw new NotImplementedException();
           public bool MoveNext()
               throw new NotImplementedException();
           public void Reset()
               throw new NotImplementedException();
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)

Finally we will implement the logic for iterating.


using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace IEnumerableAndIEnumerator
   class Customer : IEnumerable
       private string[] OrderCountryList = new string[10];
       int index = 0;
       public void AddCountry(string country)
           OrderCountryList[index++] = country;
       public void RemoveCountry(int index)
           OrderCountryList[index] = "";
       public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
           return new CustomerEnumerator(ref OrderCountryList);
       class CustomerEnumerator : IEnumerator
           int index = -1;
           string[] OrderCountryList;
           public CustomerEnumerator(ref string[] countryList)
               OrderCountryList = countryList;
           public object Current
               get { return OrderCountryList[index]; }
           public bool MoveNext()
               return index >= OrderCountryList.Length ? false : true;
           public void Reset()
               index = -1;
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           Customer customerOrderCountry = new Customer();
           foreach (string country in customerOrderCountry)

